Not your average Community News Publication
A monthly blog that talks about current events, hot button issues or just whatever is on the writer’s mind and combines it with community association or lifestyles living news and information.

Did anyone happen to catch that spectacle of a presidential debate this week? What a train wreck!!! Remember when being voting into an office stood for something? People who took office also took pride in representing their organization and wearing that title was a badge of honor. Today as seen in the most recent political debate, political discourse runs ramped. Sure, politicians of the past have always had different views, but todays Politicians appear to be no more than puppets whose strings are being pulled by behind the scene bureaucrats driven by money and the media. There is no civility in office or debate and voters are left to watch in horror as the talking heads who are left standing after being drug through the mud make their final showdown in the ring similar to WWE wrestlers in a scripted wrestling match.
Who wants to run for an office when the fact of the matter is that being elected puts a target on your back? The premise is the same no matter what size the stage, if you are running for President of the United States or President of Happy Trails HOA. The position is often thought to be thankless and in the case of the HOA the pay is poor too. No one wants to be the constant recipient of complaints, be judged or publicly attacked.
Its difficult these days to get people to throw their hat in the ring. Being on a Condo or HOA board can be a full-time job if you let it. Homeowners will call, email or even text all hours of the day and night to let you know they’ve lost their key, the neighbor’s dog is noisy, or the community pool with its heater set on a balmy 85 degrees is too cold. Everyone wants to be sure that their point of view is being heard and you should too. Maybe you’ll never run for congress (and who would want to) but being a part of your Associations’ Board is small town politicking that can actually make a real difference.
Condo and HOA Board Members often get a bad rap but you don’t have to assume the role of “Condo Commander” to be an effective Board Member. Instead use your position as a means to keep your property values high, to correct existing issues or tackle new ones that arise, to hone your leadership skills or to pad your resume. Assume the role to help learn and understand local laws and State Statutes that affect you and your community, to meet neighbors, form social groups or committees that support local organizations and raise money for programs like the SPCA or Feeding America. Most of all, become a part of your Board to have fun.
For all the rest, hire a professional management company. Your licensed Community Association Manager will handle the day to day to keep the target off your back. You can avoid creating a second full time job for yourself or being verbally abused neighbors at the local Publix simply by redirecting members to the management to field questions or concerns.
In closing, now is the time to act. It’s election season and we need candidates that lead by setting good examples in all political platforms and that is why now is the time to look into securing a seat on your community’s Board or a Committee. Show them you’re no clown and that civility can be brought back to politics with peaceful debate and respectful resolution.
Thanks for reading.