In this day and age, it never hurts to have a little faith. I was recently reminded of this when I met Richie our newly hired clubhouse maintenance person. Richie moved to the area not too long ago to take care of his aging Father and soon after like so many others found himself out of work due to the pandemic.
When we had our initial meeting, he disclosed that in order to help make ends meet he was doing some census work and that the job took him out of state to rural communities, where he would have to go door to door to speak with people and not always to welcoming homes or warm friendly faces but it wasn’t until after he began working with me that he would relay while doing his former job that he would let his mind wander from the unkind work in order to search for signs or symbols that this chosen path would eventually lead him back home to his Dad and the promise and stability of a new job and that during his search for inspiration he found solace in driving the quiet country roads and took notice of an abundance of Monarch Butterflies that fluttered around the countryside.
Fast forward a few weeks and a couple of days after the maintenance man started his new job, it was with much thoughtful enthusiasm and appreciation he shared his story with me along with a picture on his cell phone that I instantly knew was a sign posted at the entry of the community I manage and identifies the Association as a butterfly friendly habitat.
The sign, emblazoned with a bright orange Monarch butterfly was one of the first that greeted Richie at his new place of employment and as such he recognized it as the symbol and encouragement he had hoped to find while wistfully watching the butterflies out on the country roads in South Carolina. “I instantly knew, I was where I am supposed to be” Richie beamed to me, “I am on the right path.”
The story gave me renewed faith of my own, certainly something we could all use in these trying times. Afterall, when is the last time you followed your butterflies? The last time you did something new that gave you that flutter in your belly from the excitement, like starting a new job, moving into a new home or maybe even finding new love. I think there is a lot to be learned from Richie’s story. Today it’s too terribly easy to find and spread negativity and his tale reminds us of several things, to be mindful, present, positive, to practice patience and seek beauty in remote places, but most of all to always follow your butterflies….
For more information about adding a butterfly friendly garden to your home or certification for your community, visit…The North American Butterfly Garden and Habitat Program visit and learn about butterfly friendly plants and vegetation.