Call me crazy, however not only am I a licensed Community Association Manager, but I also sit on the Board of Directors for the Homeowners Association, where I reside. I have attended countless Board, Committee, and every other meeting, but the most valuable lessons I’ve learned about being a board member I believe to be learned from my dogs. Let me explain.
You’ve seen the Jetta or the Volvo station wagon with the little oval bumper sticker that suggests people should imitate their canine friends and “Wag More Bark Less.” Board Members should consider this as well. We are elected officials of the community, put in place by our fellow neighbors as their representatives. Residents vote for those of us who share their ideas and make like-minded decisions. Therefore those who are chosen and permitted to sit on a Board should be proud to serve, prepared to talk less, listen more, and be ready to take action to be effective and make a real difference.
The next thing I have learned from man’s best friend is the three basic commands, sit, stay, and when to roll over. By this, I mean, pick your battles. Board Members face multiple issues and demands at any given time. For example, the lady across the street wants speed humps, the house on the corner was painted bold blue, of course, without ARC approval, the guy on the first floor has illegal renters…..there is always something, and everyone thinks that their problem is the most important. That is why you have to remember not to sweat the small stuff, pick what’s most important to the community to maintain your homes’ value, and then move on.
Finally, my dog’s favorite trick, “Shake…….it off”. Being a Board Member can be challenging, and you are never going to make everyone happy all the time, so when you get that first piece of hate mail, don’t be discouraged. Listen to the people, think things through, make smart choices and be confident in your decisions and stand by them. That is what my puppy has taught me.
If you are looking for a new friend to teach you a few lessons of your own, may I suggest you look to where I found my muse and loyal companion, Coastal Boxer Rescue at or your local animal shelter? You will be more than satisfied with your new loved one, but be sure to check your community rules and regulations regarding pets first.